What is a Micro-Niche in Fashion?


A micro niche is a very important term that you should learn when you are thinking about the business of fashion. You see, a micro niche is a small area of focus, much like the size of a chip shot. There are a few different ways that you can think about the area of fashion that a micro niche encompasses. Some people refer to it as being like the cherry on top of the sundae or the cherry on top of an ice cream sundae.

As far as micro trends go, the smallest and easiest way to think about them is to imagine a shoe shop that sells only designer shoes, the type of designer shoes that only have small unique designs on them. This is because micro trends are typically smaller and easier to follow because the designers do not have a whole lot of room on their printing materials to put everything, which is what you see with fashion design – they have a lot of room on their jackets but not so much room on their labels. With the smaller designs, you get the benefit of being able to read the name tags more easily. Of course, even this is oversimplified – there are many other considerations involved.

For example, some clothing lines will have very tiny tags on them, and these are great for what is considered a micro niche in fashion. Other clothing lines will have tags that say something like “Honey doo”, which can be a micro niche within fashion. In other words, when you are looking at what is a micro niche in fashion, you are looking for things that are really distinctive and different, maybe not quite as catchy as something like “boy cut” or “boy short”, but distinctive enough to make your outfit stand out. If you want to learn more about all of these concepts, and how you can apply them to your own designs, you can look at some of the information on the Fashion Fundamentals website.
